Academic Impact Global Youth Forum,
25-31 July, 2016, where they will create
action plans related to the United Nations
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The students will present these action plans
at United Nations Headquarters in New York

Airfare, Room and Meals will be provided by
ELS Educational Services, Inc. at Hofstra

Share your ideas and be heard… perhaps
even in the General Assembly Hall of the
United Nations!

How to Apply
Write an original essay (2,000 words or
less) discussing global citizenship and
cultural understanding and the role that
multilingual ability can play in fostering
these. The essay should reflect your
personal, academic, cultural and national

Essays must be written in an official
language of the United Nations that is not
your first language or primary language of
instruction during your primary or secondary

The official United Nations languages are
Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian
and Spanish. You will need to demonstrate
both written and verbal competency in the
language of the essay.

You must be a full-time university student,
recommended and endorsed by a Faculty
Member or University Representative, and
must be 18 years of age or older by the
contest deadline.

Essay Submission Deadline: Thursday, 31
March, 2016 at 11:59pm Eastern Standard
Time (EST)

Entry Process
1. Write your essay according to the
contest rules and eligibility guidelines.

2. Share your essay with the University
Faculty Member or Authorized
Representative who recommended you
so that s/he can attest to the fact
that you have followed the contest

3. Have that Faculty Member or
University Administrator complete the
Faculty Member/University
Administrator Reference Form in
support of your participation in the

4. After the Faculty Reference form is
submitted, the Faculty Member will
receive an email from Many
Languages, One World requesting
confirmation of the reference.

5. Make sure that your Faculty member
looks for this email and clicks on the
confirmation link. They may need to
check their spam or junk mail folder. If
your Faculty member does not confirm
their recommendation, you will not be
able to submit an entry.

6. Once the Reference Form has been
received and confirmed by Many
Languages, One World, you will receive
an email with further information, and
a link where you can complete your
Student Entry Form and upload your
essay to the contest website.

7. The Student Entry Form must be
completed in its entirety, and in
English. If your entry form is
incomplete, you will be disqualified. Be
sure to include your government-
issued identity card number or
passport number, and submit your full
name as it appears on your official
documents or passport. Do not submit
your photo.

8. At the bottom of the Student Entry
form you will find the link to upload
your essay to the contest website.

9. The essay must be submitted/
uploaded in MS WORD format. Please
title your essay as follows:
LanguageofEssay (ie, Smith_Jane-
Arabic). Do not include a cover page
with personal information, as the
essays will be evaluated anonymously.

10. Only essays submitted through this
link will be accepted. You can only
submit one essay.

11. Essays must be received by 11:59pm
Eastern Standard Time on Thursday 31
March, 2016 in order to qualify. Do not
wait until the deadline date to submit.
Give yourself time to ensure that your
essay will be received successfully.

Please Note: If the contest directors learn
that you have violated any of the rules, or
that you have neglected to cite sources, or
have used any translation service or
software to write your essay, you will be
immediately disqualified

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