The East African Community Secretariat has organized the EAC students essay writing competition year 2016. The Essay writing competition is intended to broaden knowledge of the school going population on EAC activities.
The topic for the year 2016 in English is
“Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the East African Community admitting new partner States’’.
In Kiswahili is
“Jadili faida na hasara itakazopata Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki kwa kupokea wanachama wapya”.
The competition is open to students in form 1 to form 4 who are required to write essays between 1000 – 1500 words. The students are required to begin researching on the topic prior writing and submitting to their Heads of Schools by 15th June, 2016.
The Heads of Schools will then be expected to constitute a marking panel which will choose best essay of the school. The panel should go through the essays (Please do not mark the essays) and choose three essays to be submitted to Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocation by July 30th 2016.
The following are the guidelines for essay competition
The length of the essay should be between 1,000 and 1,500 words,
The essay can be written in English, Kiswahili, or French
The essay should be in their own hand writing
Students information such as name, sex, class, school address, region Country and title of the essay should be written in the cover page,
The essay should be written on white A4 lined/ruled papers (Similar to the draft pads),
Written only on one side of the paper,
The Head of Schools to certify that the essay is student’s own work.
You may inform your students to show the reference materials they have used in writing the essay.
Thank you for your cooperation,
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