The discoveries of natural gas in the deep water and expansion of oil exploration activities has resulted  to the shortfall in human capital supply in the country especially due to  newness of the sub sector in the economy. The government through the Ministry of Energy and Minerals has decided to implement Capacity Building Marshal Plan (2012-2020) which entails affording Tanzanians training opportunity for Masters and PhD levels in the Oil and Gas fields. 

Parallel to that, there is a need to ensure that professionals in Oil and Gas are utilized in the relevant fields for the development of the country.  With these efforts, there is a need to develop Oil and Gas Professionals Data Base (OGPDB) to act as a tool for employment opportunities search.

In order to develop OGPDB, applications are invited from Oil and Gas qualified Tanzanians to submit the following information:-
(i)PhD, Master’s and Bachelor’s degree Certificates and corresponding academic transcripts;
(ii)Copies of Form IV and VI National Examination Certificates; 
(iii)detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) with reliable contacts: postal address and telephone numbers;
(iv)One recent passport size photograph; and 
(v)One copy of Birth Certificate.

Note: All copies of required certificates should be certified and in case of PhD and Msc certificates, they should be certicified by TCU.

Interested applicants should submit the required information in electronic form to lusius.mwenda@mem.go.tz.

Issued by:
Permanent Secretary 
Ministry of Energy and Minerals 
5 Samora Machel Avenuee 
P. O. Box 2000, 
11474 Dar es Salaam 
E-Mail: info@mem.go.tz 
Website: www.mem.go.tz

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