The 2016 WENations Travel Seminar will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Mwanza, Tanzania from July 13th through July 23rd, 2016. The Girls Leading Our World Leadership conference will be held in partnership with the local orphanage and school Janada L. Batchelor Foundation for Children (JBCF), which provides refugee for abused and abandoned girls with quality primary and secondary education. This conference will bring Tanzanian and American female teenage leaders together for an engaging week to explore social change, economic justice, women’s empowerment, and leadership.
The young ladies will also visit the World Court, Anne Frank House, and many other historic sites in The Netherlands expanding their world view.  On this journey they will hear from a host of inspiring women leaders and build relationships beyond borders.
Women Empowering Nations is taking 20 young women from Tulsa, Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Houston, Texas on this life changing experience.See more

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